
Extra Curricular Activities

At Quarry Bay School, we are incredibly proud of the wide range of clubs, societies and teams that our students can be a part of. Many of these are led by our own incredibly dedicated teaching staff - allowing us to get to know their students even more.

We also work with our colleagues at ESF Explore, Hong Kong’s largest provider of after-school sports, language and other clubs. They run classes throughout the year - and special camps during the holidays.

Find out more about our provision - and that of ESF Explore here
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Extra Curricular Activities

At Quarry Bay School, we are incredibly proud of the wide range of clubs, societies and teams that our students can be a part of. Many of these are led by our own incredibly dedicated teaching staff - allowing us to get to know their students even more.

We also work with our colleagues at ESF Explore, Hong Kong’s largest provider of after-school sports, language and other clubs. They run classes throughout the year - and special camps during the holidays.

Find out more about our provision - and that of ESF Explore here

Outdoor Learning

At Quarry Bay School, we make sure that learning happens in and out of the classroom. Wherever we can, we create opportunities for our students to experience the world around them - be that in the built environment of Hong Kong through trips and excursions, or at dedicated camps and trips.

Find out more about how we take education out of the classroom here
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Action & Student Leadership

While not every one of our students will want to be a leader - either in school or later in life, we recognise that leadership skills are important to all of us as we lead our lives. There are a variety of ways in which our young people can get involved, manage and lead either in the school or in the community.

Find out more about the leadership activities and opportunities at Quarry Bay School here

Speakers & Visitors

Making sure that our students gain from the experience of others is an important part of what we do here at Beacon Hill School. We have a regular programme of expert speakers, visitors and even alumni coming into the school to pass on their knowledge and allow the students to learn from them. This is not only great for the young people, it builds and strengthens our school community.

Find out more about how you can get involved here
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Speakers & Visitors

Making sure that our students gain from the experience of others is an important part of what we do here at Beacon Hill School. We have a regular programme of expert speakers, visitors and even alumni coming into the school to pass on their knowledge and allow the students to learn from them. This is not only great for the young people, it builds and strengthens our school community.

Find out more about how you can get involved here
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