
Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular Activities

At Quarry Bay School, Extracurricular Curricular Activities play a vital role in promoting student wellbeing, aligning with the five ways to wellbeing. We are offering “Keep Learning ECA” for academic enrichment and “Be Active ECA” for sports and physical activities.

These clubs take place immediately after school and are led by our dedicated teachers, ensuring a supportive environment for all participants. Students can seamlessly transition from their regular classes to these engaging clubs, fostering a sense of community and personal growth. A flat fee is charged for participation in the QBS ECA, making these valuable experiences accessible to everyone.

School clubs will only run during the school term for the advertised dates. No clubs take place on Public Holidays or when Red/Black rainstorms or Typhoon 8 signals are hoisted.


- External providers – these clubs are run by individual companies that offer different ECA time schedules.  Neither parents nor students are able to wait on campus for these clubs to start. The club coordinator or coaches will by the respective companies collect the children. Communication with these clubs should be directed to the company. Ms. Sharma aids with the scheduling at the QBS site.


All ECA are expected to take a register of the attendees at the beginning of the ECA and at dismissal. Students should be handed to a parent or caregiver directly. All students will exit via the main school gate. Please wait outside the gate for your child.


Quarry Bay School or the English Schools Foundation do not recommend or endorse any external provider renting the school premises. There is no contractual arrangement between QBS/ESF and the club providers; any contractual arrangement that exists is between the parent and the club provider.


Public Photos / Files - ESF Explore Public Photos / Files - active kids
Public Photos / Files - soccer club Public Photos / Files - Banana Art club
Public Photos / Files - SCIENCE Public Photos / Files - Amy Banner
Public Photos / Files - Zen Music Ukulele Public Photos / Files - The Playhouse_StoryPlay_Banner_ESF_20250206_V2
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