
Action & Student Leadership

Action & Student Leadership

The role of the student leadership programme at QBS is to provide opportunities for Year 6 students to further develop their skills and personal qualities including leadership, responsibility, confidence, effective teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, and developing action ideas. A Student leader leads by example, promotes student agency, and embodies the learner profile, the school mission, and essential agreements.


Student leaders will choose an area of leadership connected to their passion. They are expected to:


  • Be examples to all members of the school in the way they live the learner profile and attitudes.
  • Be a good role model by being respectful, responsible, and looking for the good.
  • Encourage others to develop student agency by taking on leadership opportunities and positions of responsibility and provide opportunities for them to do so.
  • Be balanced by carrying out leadership roles and still be fully committed to their learning and extra-curricular activities.
  • Attend student leadership meetings and contribute positively.


There are several ways that students at QBS can become student leaders. 

Student Voice Member

The Student Council at Quarry Bay plays a vital role in enhancing school life, with representatives from Year 2 to Year 6 attending weekly meetings to propose improvements and make key decisions. Elected at the start of each year, these enthusiastic and independent students collaborate as a team to address issues raised by their classmates, develop agendas, and sometimes run assemblies to communicate their initiatives. Over the years, the Council has significantly influenced the school by providing constructive solutions and feedback on various matters.

Green Team Representative

The Green Team is a group of students from Years 2-6 who are passionate about all things Green. We do our part to highlight local and global issues and raise awareness within the school community. The Green team also takes part in events such as Earth Hour and Green Week. We also teach other students what it means to reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink our actions and how we can make a positive difference.

Language Ambassador

QBS Language Ambassadors promote the school and raise the profile of languages and culture among pupils, staff, and the wider community. They help with school tours for new families or visitors. Among QBS students there are a total of 30 different nationalities.

Click on the flags below, and some of our ambassadors explain why they love being a QBS student.


Public Photos / Files - BML-Korea copy Public Photos / Files - BML-Japan copy Public Photos / Files - BML-India Public Photos / Files - BML-France

School Bus Representative

QBS school bus representatives support students in demonstrating expected behaviour on the school bus. They are helping younger students and friends to get safe and have a pleasant journey.

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