
Student Support & Wellbeing

Student Support & Wellbeing

Student Support & Learning Diversity Department


Quarry Bay School is an inclusive school where all students are included as part of the school community. The Student Support Department provides a variety of support structures for children with Individual Needs.


In the mainstream, the Head of Student Support and a team of Educational Assistants support children with a range of needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Attention Deficit Disorder, Speech and Language Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder along with other additional learning needs. As part of this provision, additional support is provided for children identified as having moderate learning difficulties. This program has a maximum of 7 students who are supported by the Learning Support Class Teacher and a team of Educational Assistants. Wherever appropriate the students are integrated into the mainstream classes. The specialist team works collaboratively with the class teachers to enhance the learning of all students.


Children who are considered for placement in the Learning Support Class must first be evaluated through the Student Support Admissions Review Process to ensure proper identification and appropriate placement.


Students are encouraged to access all programmes within the school, however, they may also benefit from some additional support provided by the Student Support Department:


  • Additional learning support
  • Sensory Motor Programme
  • Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
  • Programs to support academic development
  • Additional Literacy/Numeracy programmes
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Social Skills programmes
  • Speech and Language Therapy (parent-funded)
  • Counselling (parent-funded)
  • Occupational Therapy (parent funded)




Your well-being is very important to us. At QBS, we will do all we can to provide you with the right support.
If you need some help at the weekend, during holidays or after school hours, please refer to the hotlines available to support you in Hong Kong.


Find out about support available in Hong Kong



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