In the world of the 21st Century, it is increasingly acknowledged that a complete education includes the study of at least one additional language. Proficiency in another language brings great cultural and intellectual benefits as well as promotes cognitive growth and facilitates international understanding. At Quarry Bay School, Chinese is taught as our additional language from Year 1 to Year 6.
Chinese teaching and learning offers opportunities for reading, writing, speaking and listening. Chinese is integrated into mainstream units of inquiry wherever possible. Chinese sessions offer opportunities for students to inquire into the language and through the language, with a focus on developing the student’s understanding of Chinese culture across the world. This is outlined in the Chinese Curriculum Overview.
Chinese provision caters for native and non-native speakers through class allocation and a differentiated curriculum. Further differentiation within individual classes ensures the achievement of students of all abilities.
The Chinese department has four full-time teachers and one part-time teacher. They are further supported by four Chinese Educational Assistants.
Chinese is taught four times a week, with each session lasting 50 minutes. In total, there is 3 hours and 20 minutes of Chinese learning time a week.
Visual and Performing Arts
Arts are viewed by the PYP as a form of expression that is inherent in all cultures. They are a powerful means to assist in the development of the whole child and are important for interpreting and understanding the world. Arts in the PYP promote imagination, communication, creativity, social development and original thinking. Through the arts, students gain confidence and competence in self-expression and collaborative learning, in both formal and informal settings.
At Quarry Bay School the Arts are identified as Performing Arts (drama, music and dance) and the Visual Arts. However, the transdisciplinary nature of the arts makes them an essential resource throughout the curriculum: through the arts, we learn to communicate, have exposure to other cultures and other times, and find out more about ourselves. The creative process is seen as a driving force in learning through inquiry.
Learners of the arts are both active and reflective. As well as being actively involved in creating and performing, students reflect on their work and on the work of others. Curriculum Overviews outline the experiences of students in each year group in creating the Performing and Visual Arts. It is an expectation that opportunities for reflecting on the arts are planned for within arts provision.
Performing Arts is a specialist lesson at Quarry Bay School although the learning is integrated in units of inquiry wherever possible. Learning within Performing Arts is consistent with conceptual understandings and learning outcomes as outlined in the ESF Scope and Sequence.
Visual Arts is integrated into units of inquiry wherever possible and lessons are delivered by the Art specialist teacher and/or class teachers. The QBS Progression of Art Skills provides guidance to ensure there is clear progression in the development of art skills across the school.
Personal Social and Physical Education
In the PYP, personal, social and physical education (PSPE) is concerned with the individual’s well-being through the promotion and development of concepts, knowledge, attributes and skills that contribute to this well-being. Well-being is intrinsically linked to all aspects of a student’s experience at school and beyond. It encompasses physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social health and development, and contributes to an understanding of self, to developing and maintaining relationships with others, and to participation in an active, healthy lifestyle.
PSPE is integral to learning and teaching in the PYP and is embodied in the IB Learner Profile that permeates the programme and represents the qualities of internationally-minded students and effective lifelong learners.
At Quarry Bay School, student well-being is achieved through the learning and teaching of conceptual understandings and outcomes within the PSPE scope and sequence. The PSPE programme includes learning based on Interactions, Identity and Active Living.
Physical Education is taught twice a week: one session with a specialist teacher and the other session is class teacher-led. Class teachers are up-skilled and supported by the PE team through ongoing professional development to ensure effective lessons are delivered consistently across the school.
Physical Education at Quarry Bay School develops a combination of transferable skills promoting physical, intellectual, emotional and social development; encourages present and future choices that contribute to long-term healthy living; and supports the cultural significance of physical activities for individuals and communities. There are specific opportunities for learning about movement and through movement in a range of contexts. Students of all abilities are challenged to improve their movement skills and are supported and encouraged to enjoy physical activity and see it as part of a healthy and active lifestyle with connections to other areas of the curriculum and community where appropriate.
In addition to PSPE, all ESF schools introduced in 2019 an RSE (Relationships and Sexuality Education) curriculum. This curriculum focuses on Relationships, Gender, Values and Sexuality, Staying Safe and the Human Body. Both the PSPE and RSE documents underpin our Well-being provision across the school. The teaching and learning of wellbeing is progressional and age-appropriate. Well-being learning takes place throughout the academic year and weekly wellbeing sessions are carefully planned for.
Technology Essential Agreement
At Quarry Bay School, our Technology Essential Agreement helps us to be fair to others and keeps everyone safe. We have adopted the language of 'Be Internet Awesome' as part of our essential agreement, and through this, we will teach our students how to be responsible users of technology.
We agree...
- to use the school's technology resources responsibly, when an adult has given us permission and is there to help us.
- to care for the equipment and respect other students' access to technology.
- to respect copyright and the work of other people.
- to protect our own personal data and passwords, and not access technology with the passwords of others.
- to be kind to others when using technology, both at home and at school and not use technology to waste time, be silly or hurt and upset others.
- to only message, email, connect or share files with people we know, and only when a trusted adult has given permission.
- to tell the teacher if someone we know is not following these rules.
- that our parents and teachers may check our files, messages and the internet sites that we visit at any time.
- that if we break this agreement there will be consequences. These range from removal of privileges to suspension or expulsion from school in very serious cases.
Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a place for students to access a wide range of online resources and tools that support their learning, both at school and at home.
QBS is also a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school, which means all students and staff have access to Google accounts. These accounts offer modern tools for communication, collaboration and creating. Login to these accounts is integrated into Qoodle.
Students will be provided with a Qoodle/Google username and password after entering the school.