
Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Self Photos / Files - Sue-WebsitePhoto


Quarry Bay School is a vibrant and exciting learning community. Our website offers a glimpse into the life of our school, but this is just an introduction. If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us.


At Quarry Bay School, we aim to cultivate a love of learning by providing enriching experiences both inside and outside the classroom. This helps us develop confident, happy, and successful learners who are curious about the world. Our diverse student body of 30 different nationalities contributes to a rich learning environment.


We firmly believe that all children have unique talents that can be nurtured, and that every child can succeed. Providing equal opportunities, irrespective of race, gender, religion, or disability, is a vital aspect of our personal and social education policy that permeates all areas of school life. We encourage our students to care for one another and to develop as responsible, global citizens who can make a positive difference.


Quarry Bay School prides itself on its quality relationships, where students and adults work collaboratively and support each other, enabling everyone to reach their full potential.


Best Wishes
Sue Yee



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